Youth Speed and Agility Programs

As a supportive, cautiously skeptical parent of a youth athlete, you want what’s best for your child and his or her long term development. You want to give them every opportunity in the world to be as successful as possible in every arena they decide to take on — be it in the classroom, on the field, or in the playground against those pesky neighbor kids (only kidding).

On a serious note, no one wants to have to see their child heartbroken over a tough loss or a missed team tryout — and if athletics is to become a significant part of your kiddo’s life long term, you certainly don’t want to look back and regret the activities you had (or didn’t have) them involved in as youngsters.
There’s just one very big problem: it’s ridiculously difficult for parents to know what it takes to set their child up for a healthy, enjoyable, and successful athletic career — there’s just too much conflicting information!


Here are the basics you need to know:


1. The earlier and wider you build your son or daughter’s athletic “foundation”, the higher their eventual athletic “peak” can be (by training properly now your child will be faster tomorrow AND faster in 5-10 years when it REALLY matters)

In the old days kiddos had it a lot easier. First off, physical education was still an actual “class” and most programs did an okay (albeit not scientifically sound) job of keeping kids active. Secondly, kiddos actually spent time OUTSIDE playing games and making all kinds of “trouble” with their friends!

Nowadays, children are specializing in sports younger and younger, and because of this are only developing a limited set of muscles, a limited “capacity” of their neuromuscular system (a fancy term for how the body controls muscular “work”), and in the end “stunting” their overall athleticism.

2. In addition to building a better foundation for future success, proper training drastically reduces the risk of your child being injured!

Early specialization (children only focusing on a single sport) has lead to a dramatic increase in the number of injuries occurring in youth athletics — injuries that used to be unheard of before an athlete’s 18th birthday are now becoming commonplace in even the youngest of leagues because of this lack of complete body control and athletic development.

The fact is, ALL children should be participating in at least 60 minutes of “play” per day, in a fun, supportive environment that develops complete and holistic body control and agility through working with a wide variety of movements while drastically reducing the child’s risk of injury.


By complimenting your child’s practice/preparation schedule with a training program that teaches the child to control their body and builds strength and coordination safely and effectively, we can reduce the risk of overuse injuries and greatly increase the safety of your young athlete in and out of competition.


3. Without properly exposing your child to wide range of movements and activities, you could “box in” your child and limit their opportunities for success in ALL sports later on

The more movement patterns we expose a child to early on, the better control and coordination of all movements (even those in an unfamiliar sport) the child will have later in life.

This can have an almost unfathomable impact on an athlete that decides to pursue a new sport of interest later in life, and can literally be the difference in being average or slightly above average and reaching an elite level and receiving scholarships worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to Mom and Dad! 

On the other hand, if we neglect a “complete” approach and instead keep an athlete in one sport virtually year round, that child will be at an EXTREME disadvantage if they decide a few years later that they’d like to try and have success at another sport–leaving them frustrated, disappointed, and with a severe blow to their confidence levels. Don’t make this mistake!


4. Positive experiences in physical activity and athletics now can lead to healthier kids now and healthier adults later!

We all want what’s best for our kids!



Because of an overwhelming lack of quality coaching and training programs for the athletes that need it most (our 8-14 year olds), Dungeon Strength & Conditioning is now providing a youth speed and agility program to young athletes who may not be ready for programs designed for older athletes.


We have worked with youth leagues and the top coaches in the business to provide a youth speed and agility program specifically designed to help young athletes get faster, quicker, develop better body control, confidence, athleticism, AND greatly decrease their risk of injury. 



Our speed agility training camp allows athletes to train at the Dungeon for two 45 minute sessions per week with groups appropriate for that athlete’s age and ability level.


All athletes will go through a complimentary individual screening process/athletic assessment and goal setting session in order to determine which program/age group is most appropriate for them at their current stage of development.


If there is still space available in the appropriate training groups, you will be invited into the Dungeon family and start getting FAST!


Note: Don’t forget to ask if there is a promotion regarding your child’s youth sports league — or ask how you can try and get your league involved in our various promotional/youth sports fundraising efforts!


The Dungeon Speed, Agility, and Injury Prevention training camps are perfect for young athletes preparing for their upcoming hockey, basketball, and wrestling seasons (it’s your last chance to get in before tryouts!) as well for “fall sport” athletes such as football, volleyball, and soccer players looking to improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury throughout their competitive seasons.


If you have any questions regarding the program and whether or not this is appropriate for your young athlete, just give us a call at 612-807-1101 or email us at grhoff (at)


Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and we’ll schedule your personal athletic assessment and goal setting session as soon as possible.

[contact-form subject=”Dungeon Strength & Conditioning Youth Speed and Agility Programs” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Best Phone Number” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Child\’s name” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”How did you hear about us?” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Child\’s sport and league they participate in?” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”What would you/your child like to accomplish as a part of this program?” type=”textarea” /] [/contact-form]