About G.R., owner & head performance coach at the Dungeon…
There are a lot of things we could list here regarding education, certifications, the #1 Amazon best-seller he co-authored, or his athletic career, but the video below says a lot more about the man behind the Dungeon than anything written here ever could.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5LtmMYGn5c’]
Think this could be the place for you? Or that you’d like someone like THIS in you or your child’s corner?
ATHLETES/PARENTS OF ATHLETES: Click over to our free trial page if you’re an athlete ready to step up and see if the Dungeon is for you.
Not sure if you’re ready for our top-level programs? Check out our Fall Speed, Agility & Injury Prevention camps and get better on a schedule that’s convenient for YOU.
ADULTS: Head over to our Adult